Restorative Sound Therapy


Single Session: S$50
3 Sessions Package: S132 

SKU: N/A Category:


Treat yourself to the ultimate relaxation experience with our 60-minute Restorative Sound Therapy session. Designed as a sanctuary after a hectic and stressful week, this session aims to slow down the frantic activity of your mind and give your body and mental energy a profound reset.

Our sound therapy is a scientifically proven, fast and highly effective way to recharge and experience instant revitalization. Immerse yourself in the gentle waves of sound that penetrate deep within you, allowing you to release stress and tension. This therapeutic journey is designed to be the best “me time” to unwind, rejuvenate and regain your inner balance.

In our safe and welcoming space in a cozy environment, you can let go and surrender to the healing power of sound. As you surrender to the harmonious vibrations, your whole being will find solace and you will emerge from the session with a renewed sense of energy and focus, ready to enjoy life with a new sense of productivity. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to prioritize your well-being and discover the SPA effects of Restorative Sound Therapy.

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Single Session, 3 Sessions Package